Home > Products > Track Lighting > Track Systems > H1 Single Circuit Track > Power Feeds and Connectors
End Feed
Direct wiring through ceiling with BX or end feed in suspension. CP1 (outlet box cover) required over junction box. Accepts ⅜” or ½” (trade size) electrical fittings. Reversed polarity available upon request.
End Feed with Outlet Box Cover
Wiring through junction box. Built-in junction box cover. Reversed polarity available upon request.
Conduit End Feed
Surface conduit wiring. Accepts ⅜” or ½” (trade size) electrical fittings. Reversed polarity available upon request. Combine standard and reversed polarity for a conduit continuity kit.
Floating Canopy
Wiring through junction box. Can be located anywhere along track. Comes with one H1EC (end cap).
Mini I Joiner
Connects two track sections. Low profile design for a clean continuous run.
Adjustable I or L Connector/Feed
Connects two track sections in a straight or 90° configuration. Ships with 90° cover installed, straight cover included. May be used as feed point. CP1 (outlet box cover) required over junction box.
Adjustable T Connector/Feed
Connects three track sections in a T configuration. Adjustable for right or left application. May be used as feed point. CP1 (outlet box cover) required over junction box.
X Connector/Feed
Connects four track sections in an X configuration. Factory wired for two separate 90° runs. May be field wired for one run. May be used as feed point. CP1 (outlet box cover) required over junction box.