J1 T-Bar Ceiling

T-Bar End Feed

Direct wiring through ceiling tile with BX when T-Bar is directly above the track. Accepts ⅜” or ½” (trade size) electrical fittings. Reversed polarity available upon request.

Spec Sheet

T-Bar Adjustable I or L Connector/Feed

Connects two track sections in a straight or 90˚ configuration when T-Bar is directly above the track. Accepts ⅜” or ½” (trade size) electrical fittings. May be used as a feed point.

Spec Sheet

T-Bar Attachment Clip

Twists on to T-grid for fast, easy, and secure installation. Fits ¹⁵⁄₁₆” T-grid. Supports up to 25-lbs static load.

Spec Sheet